Sidebar Config and Nested Dropdowns


To manage what shows in the sidebar, we have added a sidebar config in the project. It allows for nested dropdowns and therefore allows you to have a hierarchy in your sidebar.

Getting Started

sidebar-config.json in src/ will be used to create sidebar content.

Sample :

"name": "Dashboard",
"url": "e/dashboard",
"icon": "SettingsIcon"
"name": "Locations",
"url": "locations",
"icon": "SettingsIcon"
"name": "Posts",
"url": "posts",
"icon": "SettingsIcon"

Here we have 3 modules, namely Posts, Locations and, Dashboard each of these represents a list item in the sidebar where,

  • "name" is the lable which will be displayed in the sidebar.
  • "url" is the path used for routing.
  • "icon" is the icon identifier as string

Nested Routes

You can provide "children" to each sidebar item for nested routes.


"name": "Dashboard",
"url": "e/dashboard",
"icon": "SettingsIcon",
"children": [
"name": "Analytics Dashboards",
"url": "e/dashboard/analytics"

Here you can provide the following properties:

  • "name" is the lable which will be displayed in the sidebar.
  • "url" is the path used for routing.