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Setup and Installation

System Requirements

The primary requirements of the project include NodeJS and Docker. Multiple node versions have been used and hence it is recommended that you have the latest version of NVM - Node Version Manager installed on your computer. A .nvmrc file will be added to every directory in order to make sure that the current node version is being used to build it.


Recommended : NPM version (6.14.15) and Node version (v14.18.1) and Ubuntu OS version (18.04) Your machine should have Yarn / NPM & Python installed.

You can check your node and npm versions by running the following commands

node -v
npm -v


In order to make the process of getting started with the project as easy and seamless as possible, we have a single command setup for enabling fast and convenient setup.

👉 Go ahead and fork the repository to get your own copy by clicking on the Fork button.

👉 Clone the repository and select the workflow directory as the current directory.

git clone
cd workflow

👉 Setup and all start packages and applications by running this single command

npm run start

This command should setup and initialize all the different packages on which the project depends on and also start the sample application for you to experiment with.

👉 The repository is structured as a monorepo managed using Turborepo in order to cache and speed up builds, create pipelines and enabling the concurrent execution of scripts, all of which result in an improved Developer Experience (DX). Active work continues on this and progress can be tracked here


Make sure you have Docker installed on your system as some of the packages depend on underlying docker containers. The team is currently planning to shift all servers to containers. You can track the progress on this migration here