Setup of DevOps pipeline

DevOps pipeline has the following main components.

  1. Jenkins Server
  2. Hashicorp Vault
  3. Docker Swarm (This could be your localhost as well)
  4. Database Server (This could be your localhost as well, same as Docker Swarm)
  5. Private Docker Registry
  6. Ansible
  7. Preferred OS environment is Linux, Setup is not tested on windows


  • Install Jenkins
  • Setup Hashicorp Vault
    • Generate Unseal keys and vault token
  • Install Docker
  • Initialize Docker Swarm
    • Docker swarm needs an external overlay network to be created. Create a network named application_default in Docker
  • Install ansible on Docker Swarm and Database servers
  • Setup Docker Registry
    • Use the following compose for private registry setup.
    version: '3'
        image: registry:2
        - "[Replace this with private_ip or nothing]:5000:5000"
          - ./data:/data


  • Configure Jenkins

    • Setup Pipelines
      • Go to /home location and clone the <project>-devops pipelines. For example, go to /home and clone
      • Create symbolic links to Jenkins jobs ln -s /home/ulp-devops/jobs/ULP /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/
      • Set permissions chown -R jenkins:jenkins jobs && chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins
      • Restart Jenkins - systemctl restart jenkins. You should be able to see all the Jobs on the Jenkins Dashboard.
    • Setup environment variables in Jenkins
      • Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
      • Select environment variables checkbox and add VAULT_ADDR_DEV and VAULT_TOKEN_DEV with corresponding values you got while setting up Hashicorp Vault
      • These variables are needed in the deploy jobs in the pipeline.
  • Configure Ansible

    • jenkins user should be able to ssh on to the Docker Swarm and Database Servers
      • Switch to jenkins user and run ssh-keygen. Select all default options.
      • Copy public key from ~/.ssh/ and paste it under ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the Docker Swarm and Database Server
    • Configure Ansible Hosts
      • Go to
      • Uncomment the localhost lines or add localhost under dev group. You can read more about ansible hosts here